English as a Lingua Franca and its Relevance to English Language Teaching
A global language is one that is spoken internationally, learned by numerous people as a second language, and characterized not only by the total number of speakers (native and second language speakers) but also by its geographical distribution and its use in an international context. The most popular of these global languages is English, which has the widest reach of any language spoken today. Native and second-language speakers of English can be found on every continent, and English has become the primary tool of communication in various fields, including business, politics, science, technology, and entertainment.
Today, we live in an interconnected, globalized world often referred to as a “global village,” where the number of non-native speakers of English surpasses the number of native speakers. Therefore, the language is often regarded as a practical tool and a working language (Crystal, 2003: 426). The significance of English as a global language is evident in two primary ways. First, many regions around the world use their own variations of English known as “World Englishes.” Second, “English as a lingua franca” (ELF) has emerged as a means of communication in English between speakers who do not share a common native tongue or a common national culture, and for whom English is the chosen foreign language of communication. The article “Lingua Franca English, Multilingual Communities, and Language Acquisition” defines “lingua franca” as a “contact language used by speakers of other languages in the new contexts of transnational communication” (Canagarajah, 925). In fact, most ELF interactions occur among non-native speakers of English.
According to Crystal’s observations on English as a Lingua Franca, in communities where only two or three languages are in contact, bilingualism or trilingualism is a common phenomenon that facilitates communication among people with different mother tongues. In such communities, most young children can acquire more than one language with ease. Conversely, in communities with many languages in contact, such as much of South-east Asia and Africa, an effective common tongue is needed for commercial, cultural, religious, diplomatic, and administrative convenience, as well as for exchanging information between scientists and scholars of different nationalities. Even though other dominant languages like French and Latin existed, English emerged as the most powerful lingua franca because it found itself in the right place at the right time. Consequently, a variety of other terms describing the same phenomenon came into existence. It was identified as “a trade language (e.g., Hausa in West Africa or Swahili in East Africa); a contact language (e.g., Greek koiné in the Ancient World); an international language (e.g., English throughout much of our contemporary world); and an auxiliary language (e.g., Esperanto or Basic English)” (Wardhaugh, 59).
With the development and research of World Englishes and ELF, it can be said that ELF findings are highly relevant for English language teaching (ELT). One of the most significant advantages of ELF is that it reflects the language habits of ELF users, helping teachers assess their students’ needs and adjust their teaching methods accordingly. In an international learning context, ELF can be incorporated into international language classes, where the majority of learners will most likely use ELF to communicate with native English speakers. In this context, students are exposed not only to native speaker accents but also to non-native speaker accents of English. This idea is supported by Nagi in “English as a Lingua Franca and Its Implications for Teaching English as a Foreign Language.” According to the article, ELF is considered a valuable data source and inspiration for ELF teachers. Nagi argues that “a standard variety is not considered appropriate for teaching English as a foreign language, especially in pronunciation, so learners of English should not be expected to accurately produce British or American pronunciation but should be allowed to preserve their own accent” (Nagi, 8).
Sifakis, in his analysis, lists the benefits of linking ELF with an ELT classroom. He mentions that “in a world where interactions in English among speakers of different native languages are bound to occur, the ability to interact efficiently is created by accommodating to the cognitive and communicational needs of other interlocutors” (Sifakis, 5). In fact, integrating ELF communication strategies into an ELT classroom can be highly beneficial for non-native learners.
In conclusion, the world is moving away from the traditional focus on native English. Learning English is now seen from a broader perspective that transcends geographical and cultural borders. Learners are expected to master communicative competencies and strategies. Therefore, English Language Teaching approaches and methods are being altered to develop intercultural communicative competence among the learners. This practice will expose learners to a diverse reality, making them feel part of that reality, and consequently, more motivated and interested in the learning process.